+What Kind of drive system are available in Elevators & which is best ?

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***There are many drive system used for Elevators (Lifts). It is believed that , In older times, steam (Water) was used for driving Elevators . However in today's in modern world, there are many drive system available*** Electric Traction Rope ( Geared & Gear-less) Hydraulic ( Direct or In direct ) Pneumatic Screw Drive Rack & Pinion Electric Traction Elevators are the most common & best elevator used quite extensively. In this drive system Elevator / Lift are moved by means of steel ropes travelling over a pulley system, and the load is balanced by a counterweight. Precise control with an high-efficiency motor using an ACVVVF provides the required traction to move safely & with speed . In this drive system , there are primarily 2 types of systems available depending upon the type of motor used . It is called Geared Traction machine or Gear-less Traction machine . Mostly AC Induction Geared or PMSM gear-less motors are used to drive Elevators with the help of an ACVVVF drives. +What Kind of drive system are available in Elevators and which is best ? hashtaglift hashtagelevator hashtagliftingequipment hashtagElevatorsafety hashtagLiftbearing hashtaglifts hashtagapexelevators hashtagapexelevators8744064148

+What Kind of drive system are available in Elevators and which is best ?


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