5 Secrets to make Your Home Safe & Accident Free for Elderly people

5 Secrets to make Your Home Safe & Accident Free for Elderly people

Reduced Mobility with lesser strength & balance are very common consequences of aging. Every one faces these changes in his life some time . You shall agree that living with these changes is never easy.It is quite frustrating not to be able to do everything you once could. It can also be dangerous due to an increased likelihood of falls & Slippage Sometimes it is quite stressful and leads to poor quality of life .Changes in the ability & mobility , can make your home quite dangerous for elderly people. However, there are ways & means to make your house more safe for our parents and elderly . With some alterations and up gradations, it is possible to live comfortably in your home again. your parents can move freely & safely at home . Lets see the 5 important secrets to make your home safe & comfortable for every one especially our elderly


Slipping , Tripping & Falling Hazards

This is certainly the most significant hazard or risk for older people . This often leads to injury or maybe fatal accidents . Fortunately, the required adjustments for avoiding these risks are simple. Simply Remove throw rugs from the floors as well as cords and other items that can be tripped over. Move furniture around in order that there are large pathways which will be easier to move around . all walks ways, corridors etc shall be kept cleared of any storage on old furniture or any debris. If possible, make the clear passage between rooms and from outdoor doors or from verandas or from the balcony into the house so that an elderly person doesn't need to walk over the edge .

Try to Eliminate Stairs

Stairs are often the most difficult for elderly people to navigate. Sometimes it may be due to painful aching joints or knees etc . This creates balance issues, or are just simply harder to climb than they want to be .You may have heard that many people are trying to change the residence that's more elderly friendly. However many times it's not possible .You may look to make changes in home to move a wheelchair around or trade the steps for a ramp for a wheelchair. You can also make certain that stairs have handrails and add non slip tread to avoid slippage & falls. Wherever possible, you may also look at the possibility to install a compact & small Home Lift to assist an individual rise up and down. Nowadays Home Lifts in India are available in small footprint sizes . These Home Lifts can also be customized to suit your needs. They are very comfortable . These Home Lift are 100% safe for use especially for elderly people . These Home Lifts can be installed without a heavy outer structure. These home Lifts are quite easy to install. You can contact a home Lift Supplier near you. We recommend Apex Elevators who the best Home Lift Manufacturer in Delhi.

Install Better Lighting

Adequate lighting is critical for elderly people, especially when their eyesight begins to worsen over time. Make sure the house is well lit in every room and staircase or veranda or balcony. Good lighting can help an individual to move around their home safely and avoid tripping over objects or bumping into furniture. Put bright lights in hallways and stairs and add extra lamps. In Outdoors, make sure pathways are well lit. It shall be a good idea to make lighting in automation with motion-sensor lights.

Provide Easy-to-Use Appliances

One aspect of an Elderly -friendly home that will not be as obvious is the appliances. Appliances can become more difficult to use as eyesight declines and technology advances. Find simple, easy-to-read appliances, like microwaves with programmed buttons. Look for appliances with an automatic shut-off, which can ensure they're not staying if they are forgotten. Find appliances which will be easier for somebody with limited mobility, sort of a side-by-side refrigerator and freezer. Adjust the water heater to avoid scalding injuries.  https://sites.google.com/view/secrets-for-safe-elderly-home/home

Renovate the Bathroom

The bathroom may be a prime location for falls among the elderly, especially those with poor strength or balance. Several changes within the bathroom can help an individual maintain their independence and reduce the danger of getting hurt. Install grab bars within the shower or next to the restroom to assist with standing up and exiting or entering the shower. If a bathtub is getting used , a bench or bar can assist in giving support while getting into or out of the bathtub . Shower chairs and non slip mats also help prevent slipping while showering and bathing. Dr Sanjeev Kumar , expert in Community medicine , having good experience with elderly having reduced balance. This reduces mobility, makes showering or using the toilet difficult.A slip and fall within the bathroom can cause broken bones or maybe be very dangerous ,” Sanjiv says. “Installing bars and using seats to wash will help prevent a dangerous accident.  https://sites.google.com/view/secrets-for-safe-elderly-home/home

Make It Easy on the Hands

People with arthritis or weakness in their hands may find it difficult or painful to try simple tasks like turning on the lights or opening a door. Some relatively cost-effective changes can make these acts much easier. Change out light switches with a toggle switch and change door knobs and faucets to levers. These alternatives can lessen the quantity of force and grip strength needed.A slip and fall and be life-changing, or maybe life-ending, for a senior. Make your home a secure and cozy environment by making changes in layout, fixtures, and appliances. The changes are small, but the gains in safety are enormous.  https://sites.google.com/view/secrets-for-safe-elderly-home/home

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